
Wealth Management

Financial Planning

Asset Allocation

Tax Planning

Estate Planning

Risk Management Planning

Portfolio Rebalance & Review

Investment Planning

Helping you invest today for better tomorrow.
Praveen Goel is Founder of Invest Buddy. He has 14 years of experience as a Financial Planner and has an excellent relationship with his clients. He offers realistic and positive financial counselling to the investors who have several complex issues in their portfolio/investments. His commitments with his clients are exemplary. He also love to deliver training sessions and write several articles to expand personal financial awareness
● Our need-based and principle centered wealth management process helps our clients get unbiased authentic financial advice.
● Our clients benefit from the expertise we have developed working one-on-one with more than 1000 clients.
● Clear picture on your financial status where you are currently, where you have to go and how to go.
● We spend more time with clients discussing about demystifying myths and clarifying their doubts. This will increase the awareness level on financial products for the clients.
● Invest Buddy is equipped with Certified financial advisor (CFP, NISM) who provide unbiased advise to busy working professionals to manage their money better.
By using our 360 degree wealth management approach, we help our clients identify their financial goals, develop strategic investment plans for creating, preserving and managing wealth and achieve result in their wealth management.
Our clients make significant improvements in their investment strategy and unique customized wealth management approach that enables them to take right financial and investment decisions
Our unique customized wealth management approach will help our clients avoid costly mistakes, manage risk, save time, and improve their overall financial investment results.
☞ Create, preserve and manage long term wealth and achieve your personal finance planning goals and objectives.
☞ Determine the type and amount of insurance you need to protect yourself, your family and your assets.
☞ Avoid costly mistakes, manage risk, save time, and improve your overall financial investment results.
☞ Go through the maze of retirement options and put you on course for the retirement you've always dreamed of.
☞ Improve the efficiency with which assets can pass on to your loved ones in the event of death.
Seamless on-boarding, quick and simple
See your complete portfolio in a single place, in few clicks
Bank Grade Security
We charge nothing from our Clients
Get customized Asset Allocation
In just a click, Invest/Redeem in a hassle-free manner.
Invest in New Funds
Use this calculator to see how small investments made at regular intervals (SIPs) can grow to a large figure over a period of time.
Plan for your Goals by using this calculator to determine the monthly SIP investment and that helps you to make to reach a particular goal.
SWP helps you get a fixed amount every month. This calculator also plans for your post-retirement and other regular monthly income needs.
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II B / 157 Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad 201001